Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sovereignty And International Justice.

Sovereignty is a concept that escapes the neocons.

Using the rhetoric of 'democracy' these highly influential political schemers trounce all over sovereignty. What they are naive about is the terrorism that their acts of terrorism activates.

Often these well-connected schemers use the United Nations to undermine sovereignty and this is exactly what is being tested right now since the U.N. mandate expires on December 31st. At what point will the super 'nanny State' (that is just an extension of the unConstitutional coup in the United States) allow sovereignty to determine the destiny of a nation?

Will the seat of international justice exercise its clout and separate the United Nations from its mandated neocon agenda? (Its socialistic agenda is another issue equally as important to address at some other time.) Once that tie is broken the unConstitutional coup in the United States will be an island unto itself, fully exposed to the revulsion of the people of the world who have intensely suffered from its subversive wars and inflation and to the revolt of the people in the United States who are sick and tired of their destruction of a noble Constitutional Republic.

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Friday, December 19, 2008

There Will Be No Repayment Of The Bailout 'Loans!'

'Loan' or 'bailout' - it is all the same.

This is the merely the lingo of the politicians, the same ones who looked like complete idiots next to Ron Paul in any kind of discussion of the issues. Hence the censorship of Ron Paul by the unConstitutional coup prior to the election!

It is like Ron Paul said in this interview, why is no one asking the most basic and elementary questions? A few simple questions would instantly shatter the mirrors and dissipate the smoke of the 'smoke and mirrors' rhetoric of the politicians who take the advice of the ego-driven interventionists who are beholden to the unConstitutional coup.

Kiss your funny money goodbye (repayment - ha ha!)! Of course it matters not to those who make the bailout deals since they will simply go to their counterfeiting operation and make another withdrawal!

The uncertainty of the future will startle them when they find themselves between two fiat worlds (the world reserve dollar and the 'new world order' reserve currency) - both of which are fraudulent - right when the people of the world are searching for the cause of the collapse!

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Where Was This Bailout Practice Perfected?

Where was this bailout practice perfected?

The warfare State gave free reign to its nationalized military supply manufacturers during all of the wars entered into since and including World War I. Of course production arrangements bypassed all market prices since it was a controlled economy ('due to the national emergency' needless to say). Since there was no real price system there was no way to estimate 'profit and loss.' Bids were required but they were not binding as a contracts since the output of war goods was the only criteria.

These producers, functioning with arbitrary, error-based 'prices' continually 'returned to the tap' for more and were continually bailed out.

This bailout mentality that we are seeing is a great big flashing sign telling everyone that we are in a controlled economy. The other obvious and glaring sign is that our economy is being run by military minds!

The members of the inner circle of the UnConstitutional coup are interventionists closely connected to the military industrial complex, all of whom are seeking worldwide monetary hegemony.

Thank God the equilibrium force of the economy will overwhelm these criminals and flick them away like a gnat!

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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Is Not Being A Natural Born Citizen An Impeachable Offense?

Especially with all the connections now to some of the corruption in Illinois it is important that the person elected as President fulfills, at least, the legal requirements to be President! This apparent mistake in the election process deserves an inquiry and a Constitutional verification.

"A Natural Born Citizen is born in the country of parents who are both citizens (note not natural born citizens, simply citizens). If your parents came to America and become Citizens (through a Naturalization Process) then you would be a Natural Born Citizen and eligible to run for presidency. However if your parents remained non-citizens for whatever reason - you would not be a Natural Born Citizen but you would be a Native Born Citizen and would have all the rights of other citizens but you could not be president. Obama is a Citizen of the U.S. Obama is a Native Born Citizen (unless his birth certificate is false) but it appears he is not a Natural Born Citizen since his Father was not a Citizen of the U.S."

Is this ineligibility an impeachable offense?

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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Government Ponzi Schemes Induce A Criminal Ring!

What a gigantic Ponzi scheme promotes - one that is perpetuated by mandatory coercive measures - is a criminal mentality and a centralization of power. Access to other criminal activities, such as the counterfeiting operation of the Federal Reserve, easily enhances that centralization of power.

And what stands in its way? The Constitution!

Armed with all the dollars it needs to bribe anyone who can strategically increase the centralization and accrual of power, the braintrust of this crime ring goes about persuading the ego-driven politicians (beholden to the corrupt money going into their election coffers) to whittle away at the foundation of the Constitutional Republic.

The power granted by the dollar (since it is the wolrd reserve currency) attracted their attention and so they lustily sought to expand their sphere of interest. Now the criminal ring, functioning as the unConstitutional coup, has become a worldwide economic terrorist plunging all nations into the spector of perpetual warfare against one another instead of rebellion against the true enemy - the unConstitutional coup in the United States.

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Economically Destructive Bailouts, Again And Again!

Before the Keynesian craze there was enough independence between economists and government that, in general, economists acted as a restraint. Once the Keynesian quackery fell into the lap of the ego-driven interventionists the economics profession became cloudy indeed!

All of the sudden it was unclear to the masses whether the economists were speaking on behalf of the interventionists or were speaking on theoretical grounds. Things got even cloudier when the government used the media and the education system to ordain the interventionists as the official economics spokespersons.

This loss of independence continued to erode as the politicians adopted economic rhetoric in their election campaigns giving the impression that they had some knowledge of economics. Now we see these economic imbeciles parading around day in and day out as if having 99.9% of the members of Congress (and their indoctrinated economic advisors) in favor of unsound economic actions miraculously makes it less of a disaster.

As an economist - unbought and uncorrupted - and theoretically sound, I unequivocally state that all of these bailouts are improper, immoral, and economically destructive.

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Deflation And Ideological Change!

How long will it be before the deflationary effects (of a market correcting itself as part of the recessionary period) can no longer be tolerated by the biggest debtor in the world?

War against 'terrorists' is the trump card.

If productive resources are coercively channeled towards war efforts prices will no longer go down. And inflation, even at high rates, will be excused because of the 'unusual' circumstances requiring patriotic sacrifices!

This is the likely scenario if the 'deflation-to-inflation' time horizon is more than six months. That is why now is so critical. If we are fortunate enough that the economic equilibrium forces are so powerful that they quickly overwhelm the dumbfounded unConstitutional coup despite their most imaginative intervention then the window of opportunity will be opened for the liberty-minded to use all the educative means at their disposal to move the ideological change forward.

Part of the ideological change towards classical liberalism societies requires the identification of the members of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup so they can feel the wrath of the victims of their oppressions.

Who besides Paulson and Summers are among this elite group of economic terrorists?

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Latest Bunch Of Economic Advisors Are Pro-What?

Let's go to the heart of the issue. Forget the rhetoric about the market because the word 'market' is being tainted just like the word 'captalism' has been tainted.

The question that makes it clear what their purpose is and what is their perspective can be boldly stated by this inquiry: Are these individuals ego-driven interventionists?

Ego-driven? They are arrogant enough to think that their finite minds can comprehend the infinite economy, aren't they?

Interventionists? They are ignorant enough to interfere with the flow of information (that is in its highest degree of perfection in an unhampered economy), aren't they?

They are not pro-market, they are profane.

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Dead Carcass Of Partisan Politics!

Can life be resurrected into a carcass?

The skeleton of the carcass is still in place and the rotting flesh is still clinging to the skeleton!

It is certain that a partisan political vehicle cannot in the long run contain and serve classical liberalism. At best it can only offer bits and pieces in the short run.

But since we are all about educating people about the principles of classical liberalism all receptive audiences need to be given what it is that they are seeking. There are certain roots in most of the political movements that are based on liberty and prosperity and justice. Classical liberalism appeals to those who value those roots.

Connecting awakened individuals to the Mises Institute will be perceived as a great gift by those who are truly seeking an education in classical liberalism. It will be very difficult (because of the incessant indoctination and propaganda of the ego-driven interventionists) for anybody to be educated in classical liberalism without that very wonderful tool (the Mises Institute) that is readily available to everyone on the planet.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

How Sane is Ben Bernanke?

What a poor creature Bernanke is. If he has any remnants of a conscience left he is swelling with anxiety and is sleepless mostly. That indeed appears to be the case when you look at his depleted look and hear his mental disarray.

His ambition to become the Fed Chairman has put him in a position where he knows that he needs to shut off his conscience to stay sane. But it is apparent that his dissociation with ethics has sprung a leak and anxieties are seeping into his psyche.

He will either become more rigid and unethical or he will go mad!

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What Exactly Is Treasury Secretary Paulson Appointed To Do?

Paulson did what he was appointed to do! I am not talking about the wishy-washy, foolish, ill-conceived trust conferred upon him by Congress. Nor am I talking about his appointment as Treasury Secretary by complacent underlings!

Paulson did what he was appointed to do when he was chosen from among the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup to go finance the coup - no matter what - by piggybacking usurped coup authority to any and all legislation whisked through Congress while the members of Congress sleep, or go to bed with coup-connected lobbyists, or burp from having their belly full with porkbarrel funds to satisfy their ego-driven interventionist tendencies.

When January rolls around he will slither back to the inner circle and a less senior official of the coup will take his place as Treasury Secretary.

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Monday, November 17, 2008

"Guantanamo' For The UnConsitutional Coup Members!

The good thing about the unConstitutional coup is that since it is not the Constitutional Republic the legitimate U.S. government is not financially responsible for the profligacy of the illegitimate usurper.

The American people are not so fortunate but they can get some retribution for their victimization by seizing the the members of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup and all of their collaborators.

Once seized, does the word 'Guantanamo' sound appropriate?

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

'Conspiracy Theory' Labeling Shelters The Interventionists.

'Conspiracy theory' is a simplified and derogatory label.

As economists in the classical liberalism tradition, as deductive thinkers, it is natural to use logic to explore cause and effect.

Is it a conspiracy theory to recognize that there are beneficiaries to interventionism? No, it is logical.

Is it a conspiracy theory to identify the effects caused by interventionism? No, there is a cause and there is an effect.

Belittling the search for sources of the corruptions in the economy by labeling it a 'conspiracy theory' serves only to shelter the ones who are both deliberate in their power-grabbing and ignorant that their interventionism is actually economic terrorism.

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Friday, November 14, 2008

"Read My Lips" Says Treasury Secretary Paulson.

"Read my lips:

Mission accomplished. The first stage of the nationalization of the banking and credit industries has been accomplished. And two more secondary effects:
  1. the banking and credit institutions have felt the heavy hand of their 'Lord' so they are fairly submissive now, and
  2. the general public is in a state of anxiety, near panic, and are very easily persuaded by our ready-to-go propaganda stating that we (their 'Lord') can 'save' them.

I can now go back to my lair and snuggle up to the rest of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup comforted by the thought that the media is under control, the politicians are content with the scraps we have thrown them, our counterfeiting operation is well oiled by our helicopter pilot (Ben Bernanke), and our military forces are too timid to turn against us (despite their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and DOMESTIC).

I deserve to be praised for my good work!"

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Economic Misdiagnosis!

For those interested in why economics is important: the reason is to discover cause and effect.

There is a tremendous rift in economics which boils down to methodology and the importance of methodology. The rift, necessarily, shows itself when cause and effect are sought.

The empiricist gravitates to ‘the data’ and from that data extrapolates. Underlying this mind set is the thought that there is data out there and to get the data that is desired certain steps can be taken. In other words, data is devoid of an ethical basis since it is just data and so manipulation is a considered a neutral step. Therefore cause and effect are ethically neutral and explanations do not need to introduce any of the subjectivity that stems from human action.

The subjectivist quickly sees action and the consequences of action. Cause and effect go hand in hand and are directly attributable to a logic sequence that begins with human action. Since the subjective nature of humans is the basis, so too is ethics. Manipulation in any way of the voluntary and peaceful expressions that occur for tangibles and intangibles in the market process is unethical!

This opens a clear vista on the horizon of cause and effect. When things are askew it is immediately obvious that the cause is some kind of intervention somewhere. Even in the vast complexities of the economy a trail can be found leading back to the cause - the intervention. When the effect is an imbalance or an injustice the trail to its cause will lead back to intervention. Of course the intervention originates somewhere and the originator is the ego-driven interventionist.

Now we return to the title of this blog entry. ‘Economic Misdiagnosis’ is an accurate description of what the empiricist derives from his/her ego-driven interpretation of the data and it is an accurate description of the proposed solution of the ego-driven interventionist.

What is important to remember is the consequences to your personal health if you are misdiagnosed. The disease is not treated (and so it progresses) while at the same time new stresses from the erroneous treatment weaken and afflict you.

The empirical economists of all persuasions are quacks. I am here to warn you about their fallacious practices.

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Welfare/Warfare State Shifts Its Weight!

The behemoth does not move fast. Now its one leg is numb so it is time to shift some of its gross obesity to the other leg. It is just a matter of time before the ever-growing and massive burden will numb that leg too and so back and forth, shifting from one leg to the other, the restless miscreant we call the State must “change.”

This is the “change” we are hearing about. It is the change from a fascist/socialism mentality that drives the warfare State to a socialist/fascist mentality that drives the welfare State.

Both efforts are attempts to generate prosperity by the means of interventionism. Both attempts depend on counterfeiting, theft, politically-motivated redistribution of wealth, debt, inflation, and the camouflaging of bankruptcy.

Because of the worldwide monetary hegemony afforded to the United States since the dollar was designated as the reserve currency for the worldwide collusion of central banks, the day of reckoning was pushed into the future just like Keynes said “We’re all dead in the long run.” But when that future arrives we are then all alive when the Keynesian long run crashes upon the scene! Which means: there is no way to camouflage the bankruptcy.

Shifting weight from the warfare leg to the welfare leg will do nothing to prevent the equilibrium forces from lowering the boom. The ego-driven interventionists and their political rhetoric will not be able to keep the equilibrium forces and the weight of the State from breaking the bones, shattering them right before our eyes.

Will chaos then reign? Not if enough people know about the principles of classical liberalism and Austrian economics.

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

First to Declare A Victory For The UnConstitutional Coup!

This victory is certain. It matters not which candidate of the two arms of the unConstitutional coup wins because they are both a part of the same one party system orchestrated by the unConstitutional coup.

What else is certain is the continued pursuit of imperialism through militarism since the dollar can no longer be used to control other nations. Alternative currencies are now too evident and viable. This forces the hand of the power elite in charge of the unConstitutional coup, leading to warmongering.

Another certainty is the accelerated thievery precipitated by the counterfeiting by the Federal Reserve in collaboration with the Treasury Department. How else can the unConstitutional coup finance its welfare/warfare State? Inflation is the hidden tax that redistributes wealth to those who do the bidding of the unConstitutional coup.

Will any of the other members of the unConstitutional coup besides Henry Paulson show their faces during all the hoopla of the victory celebration? As they gloat maybe they will let down their guard and come out into the open so more of these traitorous and ego-driven interventionists can be identified.

Hopefully the victory of the unConstitutional coup will be short-lived. Maybe enough true patriots will gain a foothold across the nation as a fruit of this election to insist on an investigation to discover who are these 'economic terrorists' who are spearheading the unConstitutional coup.

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ron Paul Rings the Liberty Bell on MSNBC!

The remarkable and humble statesman and Congressman from Texas - Ron Paul - was given a tremendous platform on MSNBC. A few questions were asked around compliments and then Dr. Paul was allowed to speak freely.

His message of true change rang out like the Liberty Bell to those listening for liberty.

Although couched in the program as a statement about the future of the GOP, Ron Paul spoke about Constitutional government which is the last thing that the GOP arm of the unConstitutional coup will be discussing any time soon.

The battlelines are very clear and Ron Paul is ready and able to command the forces of liberty against the weary and defeated and corrupt neo-conservatives.

The unConstitutional coup knows that its GOP arm is about to be severed, and is probably scheming to cause some major disruption in an attempt to sacrifice its 'liberal' arm to try to keep its other arm from lying quivering on the ground.

Political puppets still are at the mercy of their overlords but can the unConstitutional coup withstand the wrath of the people if it exposes itself as a election-fixing hierarchy?

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nobel Prize For Wackonomics!

So there we have it:
This year's Nobel Prize for Wackonomics goes to Paul Krugman.

That award (so-named) would be acceptable and even expected. But instead we have the profession of economics degradingly drug through the slime and stench of pseudoscience, resulting in a declaration of Paul Krugman as the Nobel Laureate in Economics for 2008.

I guess there is a silver lining. It is clear and evident that the economy is dying from the mistreatments administered by the economic charlatans. This chronic illness has reached a feverish and life-threatening condition all around the world in 2008 because of the total idiocy of the 'economists' that are 'distinguished.'

Who better to receive the Nobel Prize in 2008 than Paul Krugman, the single-most idiotic of all economic spokespersons! No wonder we are in an econommic meltdown! Paul Krugman's economics is wackonomics and it is toxic.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Keynes And Krugman Are Economic Charlatans.

The Keynesian imp that wrote the Washington Post article forgot what Keynes himself said "We're all dead in the long-run."

Keynes would not have seen 'it coming' because 'it' is merely the economic meltdown of the Keynesian long-run.

John Maynard Keynes was an economic charlatan and a panderer to the political class. His secret love affair with socialism is evident in his 'theory' which is devoid of any understanding of capital or capital structure.

If alive today Keynes would act like Paul Krugman, completely oblivious of the real world yet decorating himself with the bells and whistles being showered upon him by the clueless and corrupt. Keynes and Krugman are the heros of the ego-driven interventionists.

Ron Paul and Ludwig von Mises are the heros of the righteous!

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Blame Reality For The Recession/Depression !!!

Here is where to place the blame - reality!

Blame reality for not cooperating with the Keynesian fantasy.

Blame reality for 'spitting up' the counterfeit fiat currencies.

Blame reality for clearing the path for the pendulum to swing, knocking the unConstituional coup off its throne.

Blame reality for exposing the media as a propaganda machine.

Blame reality for shaking and waking the lovers of liberty and justice.

Blame reality for the surfacing of the principles of classical liberalism and for the need for champions.

Blame reality for the window that allowed in a breath of fresh air - a noble and humble and trustworthy statesman named Ron Paul serving as an educator.

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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Will Ron Paul Be Alone - The Lone Statesman - Again?

Will Dr. No be the only member of Congress that will uphold and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC!

Will the members of Congress - the Senators and the House Representatives - add another distinction to their ‘honorable’ title? The distinction being one associated with the bailout vote of ‘Aye’ - the designation ‘Constitutional Traitor’

Dr. No, Congressman Ron Paul, will vote ‘Nay’ and that is because he is a Statesman not a politician (an ego-driven interventionist).

Will the members of Congress do the bidding of the unConstitutional coup or will they listen to the American citizens who object to the hyperinflation and the destruction of the dollar that will come about; triggered by the immoral bailout of the greedy who went to bed with the counterfeiting operation of the Federal Reserve?

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Missourians! Flex Your Missouri States Rights!

On October 2nd the Vice Presidential debate will be at Washington University in St. Louis but it is really just part of the ploy of the unConstitutional coup, using its propaganda arm known as the Commission on Presidential Debates . These debates are exclusive of any candidates who are not a part of the two-headed, one-party system that perpetuates the objectives of the unConstitutional coup.

Where is the ‘show me’ spirit of the Missourians? In Missouri of all places all the vice presidential candidates from all of the parties should be showing what they have to offer.

Now it is more obvious than ever before that the two-headed, one-party system - variously called Democrat or Republican - is really more of the same. The immoral support of the bailout is common to both of these pawns of the unConstitutional coup but the ‘third party’ candidates would be able to show something different to everyone (as an appropriate tribute to the ‘Show Me’ spirit in Missouri).

Response? Show Me!

The only way that that will happen is if the people of Missouri demand it. How can Missourians tolerate the imposition of the opposite of “Show Me” by the unConstitutional coup? Where is the spirit of secession that will protect Missouri from this assault and insult?

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bailout Bullying Will Fail!

The invasion of Iran became too politically unpopular. The invasion of Georgia was not even feasible since the bankrupcy was on the doorstep. These were the diversionary tactics to maintain status quo.

It (the economic whirlpool) came upon them too fast and furious because they really are clueless. They really do not realize the overwhelming power and sweeping force of the market!

As a last resort they fell back on their unConstitutional practices of circumventing Congress and the people, thinking that their propaganda and their media control and the generational indoctrination would hold back any opposition to their vulgar scheme.

Enter Ron Paul and the revolution! He made it obviously ridiculous and politically impossible to 'Bomb, bomb, bomb; Bomb bomb Iran!'

The CIA-trained Georgian troops directed by a puppet of the U.S. Empire to secure an oil pipeline and start a new Cold War did not escape those alert to the wicked deeds of the interventionists. And our hero Ron Paul spoke about it on a national platform.

Pop! The bubble burst and all the hot air of malinvestment and overconsumption whooshed out while the dumbfounded Keynesians conjured up their plan of theft and deceipt.

Again Ron Paul and his army of classical liberalism champions rebuffed the blatant mugging by the power elite. The voice of the people is rising and soon even the deaf, dumb (I am not talking about muteness), and blind Congress will feel its vibrations. Ultimately they will do what they are supposed to do or lose in the next election! The Campaign For Liberty is exercising its muscles and those muscles are significant.

Will the untrustworthy ones be able to convince anyone? Bullying will be their only option but let me remind the unConstitutional coup that the muscles of the Campaign For Liberty are significant!

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How To Test The Politician’s Claim Of Change.

What is the existing system? An adequate description of the current system is Keynesianism. Now finally, in a real sense, Keynesian economics can contribute something of value!

We can use Keynesian economics as the key to our analysis. If any politician makes the claim that he (she) stands for change then our test is to see if they recommend practicing Keynesian economics or not. If they use fancy rhetoric and creatively play with words to emphasize their claim of ‘change’ but in reality they espouse Keynesianism then they are a candidate of status quo not change.

The quick test is the ’change’ away from a central bank and a fiat currency. These are fraudulent institutions inherent in Keynesianism. So how can a claim of change be anything other than lies from a politician since status quo is their real objective?

If the candidate cannot even pass the quick test it is certain that all of the other stances will be Keynesian also, just like all the rest of the ego-driven interventionists that have been in positions of influence for generations. These false claims of change mean that these candidates will just perpetuate the immorality of the unConstitutional coup.

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"No Recession" Said The Buffoon!

How short the memory of the investigative reporters and the 'experts' and Congress!

"The data does not show that we are in a recession'" said the buffoon. "Send it to the media outlets," said the reporter (hoping to be noticed by the overlords for dutifully reporting a half-truth).

It was half true! The data (of the fallacious empirical economists) actually did not show the recession! Guess whose numbers were being looked at!

So why aren't the idiots (Bernanke and Paulson, for example) ridiculed? Why aren't the liars (Bernanke and Paulson, for example) held accountable?

Congress has the shortest memory of all since it sits before these 'experts' and, by all indications, regards them as experts. Buffoons, all of them (except the lone statesman, Ron Paul).

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Will We Ever Get Rid Of Politicians?

Ambition for a politician leads to ego-driven interventionism, there is no other possibility.

In contrast, a statesman understands the moral depravity and the economic distruction of interventionism. Service and education are the hallmarks of a statesman, not ambition.

Are these politicians pathological? It is possible but mostly they are ignorant and enabled through access to power by a flawed political system.

In the classical liberalism civilization in the future there will no longer exist this blight on humanity, which nowadays is identified by the label ‘politician.’

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Stop The Promiscuity Of The Federal Reserve!

Like father, like son. Like mother, like daughter!

The fractional reserve system, which is unethical by definition of property rights, is a pyramid scheme. So why should there be any surprise that these offsprings of the central bank of the glutinous unConstitutional coup are anything other than a ‘chip off the ole block.’

First we have to neuter the unConstitutional coup by stopping its promiscuity. These secondary effects, like Washington Mutual’s junk credit rating, are like the veneral diseases spread and propagated by the greedy underlings.

Once neutered by the scapel of ‘End The FED’ the inverted pyramid will crash and from the dust a phoenix will rise. Be the feathers on that glorious bird by studying classical liberalism and Austrian economics.

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Constitutional Vice President!

Ponder the Constitutional importance of the Vice President:

“The Vice President has the Constitutional duty to preside over the Senate as its president!” Wow! Now that would be a very significant position for someone who insisted that the Constitution be obeyed!

I am hoping that Ron Paul will announce next week in Washington at the National Press Club that he will be the vice presidential candidate for Bob Barr with the wholehearted support of the Constitutional Party.

This new and broad-based coalition would be impossible to exclude from the debates ahead and if the outcome does happen to be a victory then Ron Paul would be the greatest vice president and the greatest president of the Senate ever.

Not to mention his other role as the principal consultant to the President in restoring the Constitutional Republic.

Unity in liberty will easily defeat the bickering interventionists.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

How Despicable Is The UnConstitutional Coup?

With things unraveling at such a fast pace the desperation of the overlords - the usurpers of the Constitutional Republic that we call America - is forcing them to act despicably. Using all of their influence over the media they are trying to paint a picture of the world that justifies their reckless measures to hold onto power. Their worldwide hegemony is slipping away and all they know how to do is to act with threats of violence, endangering everyone in the United States and in the world, for that matter.

The unConstitutional coup is the real threat of terrorism.

Since the lies promulgated by the unConstitutional coup about the need to bomb Iran followed too closely the lies used to justify bombing Iraq - stirring significant resistance - it became imperative to find another way to use war to subdue the growing discontent.

A new lie - with a history easily distorted by the neocons - came to the surface after a proxy (for the self-appointed world government through totalitarianism, in other words, the unConstitutional coup) who headed the dubiously ‘independent’ Georgia invaded Russia. A Russian response to this provocative invasion was all that was needed for the worldwide media propaganda to kick in. A villain with all the baggage of Cold War rhetoric now captures the imagination of the unConstitutional coup.

Who cares about the lives that will be destroyed by the wars? To the unConstitutional coup this is their ticket to totalitarian control of the U.S. and (hopefully) to the world.

Notice the media coverage and the hype.

What is the counterattack to this brand of terrorism exercised by the unConstitutional coup? Do not submit to their propaganda coming from any of the sources and spreading out like tentacles in an attempt to poison the minds and hearts of trusting people everywhere. Be aware of who the enemy is and shun its abominable lust after power.

The ego-driven interventionists will send every young man and women into the battlefield to die just so they can hold onto power.

Our Constitution has the power to destroy them but we have to fight to keep the Constitution alive and well in the hearts and minds of Americans. If we succeed then that will be the great gift of America to the world. Will we be able to help America attain its destiny of promulgating peace and establishing the appreciation for the oneness of mankind?

For more information go to .

Monday, August 18, 2008

Movie Review: I.O.U.S.A.

Does I.O.U.S.A. state the fact that the Federal Reserve is unConstitutional? Why not? What is the motivation behind such an omission?

Does I.O.U.S.A. mention that the United States is imperialistic? Why not?

Does I.O.U.S.A. say anything about the fallacies of empirical economics or the virtues of classical liberalism? Why not?

After realizing that I.O.U.S.A. has an hidden agenda that diverts the attention of the slowly awakening American people away from the truth, it is clear that its half-truths are meant to serve as a smoke screen. Its intention, the motivation behind it, is to keep people from hearing what the lone statesman and classical liberalism scholar - Ron Paul - is saying.

Beware of the half-truths! Be ready to direct people towards classical liberalism and Austrian economics, not to waste their energy fighting against some amorphous phantom created by the usurpers of the Constitutional Republic. These usurpers are devious and they use their forked tongues to make themselves to appear sincere but they are nothing but ego-driven interventionists operating outside the rule of law; they are an arm of the unConstitutional coup.

Let’s hope the tables turn on them and that people find out what is really happening and arise to rescue our Constitutional Republic from the foul-smelling unConstitutional coup that is controlling the media and the two-headed puppet of the single party system in the United States.

For more information go to .

Saturday, July 26, 2008

How Do You Spell Empire?

E - Economic
M - Manipulation by
P - Political
I - Interventionists
R - Rewards the
E - Evil

How do you spell relief?
Expose the one party system of the unConstitutional coup, and expose the media networks as tools in the hands of traitors, and teach others about the principles of classical liberalism.

For more information go to .

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bernanke Admits That Inflation Is A Tax!

OK, Ben Bernanke admits that inflation is a tax during the Congressional Committee on Financial Services on July 16th, 2008. Where is it in the Constitution that the Federal Reserve has the right to tax?

Once you go to the Constitution you will find that there is no Constitutional basis for the existence of the Federal Reserve.

When I make mention in my blogs of the unConstitutional coup that has its grip around the throat of America it is now clear that the Federal Reserve and its institutional structure is a significant part of that unConstitutional coup.

How do we foil the coup? An important step is to cut off its head by eliminating the Federal Reserve System.

Are the members of Congress too cowardly or too corrupt to do what needs to be done to preserve our Constitutional Republic? If so, would that not make them collaborators or traitors?

Call them traitors and collaborators if that is what they are. Contact them and tell them that you will do your best to make everyone aware of their treachery.

For more information go to .

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Do Economists Not Predict Correctly?

It depends on your definition of an economist. And your definition depends on the world as you know it.

If you think economists are people who are employed by the government or by institutions that are dependent on funding from the government (which means most institutions of higher learning!) to interpret economic data then the answer is affirmative. They do not predict correctly.

If you think economists are people who use the empirical methodology as the basis of their statistical examination of the economy, thereby conferring interpretive and interventionist powers on the ego-driven; yes, if you think these are economists then the answer is affirmative. They do not predict correctly.

If these are your definitions of an economist because the world that you know is the pathetically corrupt perspective of a pandering politician then it is true that the economists do not predict correctly.

But these are all distortions of reality. There are economists and there are charlatans. The test of a true economist is subjectivism.

Of course it is true that the charlatans cannot predict correctly. It is the imbecilic politicians and their overlords and the bribed media that think that the charlatans are economists.

However the record is clear and conclusive. The true economists, those using the subjectivist methodology, have been accurately predicting the consequences of the practices of quackery imposed upon the economy by the charlatans (with immodest encouragement coming from the politicians).

No, the economists (who are actually charlatans) do not predict correctly!

Yes, the economists (as defined by Ludwig von Mises) do predict correctly!

For more information go to .

Friday, June 13, 2008

Would Tim Russert Like To Redo His Ron Paul Interview?

Maybe the untimely death of Tim Russert will serve as a wake-up call to the other journalists who are compromising the standard of journalistic ethics for the sake of the power elite who could care less about you leaving a legacy of principled service.

Would Tim Russert wish to redo his interview with Ron Paul? Would he have rather facilitated the flow of knowledge about the beauty of our Constitutional Republic than to have deliberately distracted the viewing audience with journalistic antics?

Time is short.

Hear me all you journalists who put your ambition above your ethics. Either serve those who are trying to usurp the Constitutional Republic and be forgotten (or if dug up in history, regarded poorly) or stand strong and practice journalism in a way that is worthy of your profession.

If you cannot discern the difference between corrupted and partisan news reporting versus covering principled and meritorious newsworthy stories then you are a journalistic failure no matter how much acclaim you receive from typical sources.

Time is short so don’t waste it being a court jester for the kings without clothes. Rather, be bold enough to tell everyone that these emperors do not have on any clothes!

For more information go to .

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Underground Economy Versus Socialism/Interventionism.

Socialism is crumbling. It is being undermined at every corner.

As always, the unrealistic restrictions created by socialism and then imposed upon the economy fosters the development of an underground economy that skirts the parasitic and predatory practices of the interventionists. The more oppressive the socialism the more expansive the underground economy.

At least 8% of the population in America are seriously convinced that the philosophy of classical liberalism is the only true direction, as enunciated clearly and definitely in the U.S. Constitution. Most of these individuals are well-educated and self-motivated and willing to educate and motivate others! Additionally, a large proportion of these individuals are young and are determined to change the future.

In the waning stages of socialism the underground economy will be recognized as the only vigorous part of the economy and this will reinforce the educational aspect of the classical liberalism movement to the point where the empty skeleton of socialistic intervention will crumble into a heap and be left behind as the carcass of a burdensome beast.

The beauty of the philosophy of classical liberalism is the recognition that any politics that creates a State is loathsome. Thus the best system is one that is apolitical which means that the human ego has to be completely removed from the process.

How is that possible? Ethics of the Divine Economy hints at how that is possible.

For more information go to .

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What Is The Cure For Economic Leprosy?

Who will people turn to when they are hurting real bad? They will turn to the doctor!

The foolish power elite think that they can control the economy; well, those days are gone!

If the artificially propped up Wall Street can easily flip flop around and plummet 300 points (or more) in a single day just think how receptive the suffering people will be when this chaos intensifies and and gains momentum with yet still over 100 days before the Convention.

The pain can quickly become far more acute, and out of desperation, the message of economic truth will change hearts and minds.

Will the leprosy of interventionism dissolve the skin of the Constitution or will the good doctor shun the interventionists so America can begin to restore its health? I have reason to imagine that by September the prescription for health will be spoken widely throughout the land, person to person, and completely out of the hands of the bribed media. This is another oversight of the power elite - their assumption that we need them to communicate with each other!

As it becomes common knowledge that the politicians and their co-conspirators are lepers we will appropriately deal with them and their treasonous schemes.

For more information go to .

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Dollar, The Euro, And Political Corruption.

I am assuming that many of you have seen this interview with Ron Paul ( ) about the worldwide trend away from the dollar. This is what will forcibly terminate the lying promises of the politicians 'to give you everything you want' (democracy - the God that failed) as if there is no cost to the totally inefficient government services.

And do not think for a moment that the decision of Saddam Hussein to take only euros for Iraqi oil was not the major rationale for his demise by the mercantilistic power elite in charge of the U.S. government (even though they are an un-Constitutional faction).

The irony is that it was the belligerent and imperialistic foreign policy of intervention by this same corrupt faction that controls the U.S. government that forced Iraq to sell its oil through channels that were not restricted by the imposed economic sanctions of the U.S. government!

The irony continues: $27/barrel before the Iraq invasion and now it is $126 and rising.

These crimes against other nations and against our own citizens by the ego-driven interventionists should find their way to an international court of justice.

The Constitution is the law of the land so judgment is potentially straight forward. Who is violating their oath and who is trying to usurp the Constitution?

The fact that Iran is taking euros not dollars for their oil is exponentially more consequentially real to the 'imminent' attack by the U.S. than the fabricated nuclear threat.

For more information go to .

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Fools and Liars - Inflation Makes Them Exhibitionists!

As if people cannot follow the simple logic that they use in the running of their own household, the politicians talk about spending money even though everyone knows that we are very much in debt as a nation. The painful effects resulting from run away inflation cause people to bitterly complain but the politicians are foolish so they propose throwing money at the problem. This out-in-the-open foolishness would be unthinkable even for a politician except under the pressure of inflation.

To ‘cover their tracks’ they use the media to channel their propaganda (lies) to make it appear like inflation is caused by some varied and sundry entities other than the counterfeiter. Their propaganda predictably blames oil and then food and then consumer demand and on and on to try to convince the public of the concocted story of the liar (the politician). They will give speeches denigrating the supposed perpetrators of inflation all the while trying to hide the heinous counterfeiting agency from the public’s eye. They will continue their lies even to the extent of calling the Federal Reserve ‘the inflation fighter!’

Inflation gives these politicians (ie., fools and liars) a reason to dance around in front of everyone and act like they are worthy of attention. Their exhibitionism draws them out into the spotlight and such a public interest is irresistible to these ego-driven interventionists.

But guess what, o fools and liars, now everyone knows how little you know and how scheming you are!

For more information go to .

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Now is the Time for the Remaining States to Show Their Significance!

Not everyone can be first! Aren't you sick of the political game-playing to be the first in the nation or to be stacked in the front. Not only are the palms being greased in those States but the people are treated as if they are important enough to determine the election outcome.

What about all of the late-comers? Are these voters relevant?

Especially on the Republican side, it is as if you have to be resigned to voting for the warmonger with an economic IQ of 60 (at best). Thank God and thanks to the principled determination of Ron Paul there is an alternative. Of course the media will continue to act like he doesn't exist, as part of their duty to perpetuate the status quo.

You can show the power of your voice by voting for the only statesman running for the Presidency - Ron Paul. The others are politicians and they serve their lords (the power elite like the Council of Foreign Relations) and they are too ego-driven to ever abide by the Constitution.

If you want your voice heard and if you want to restore a Constitutional government go to the polls with enthusiasm and vote for Ron Paul. Do not let complacency sap you of your duty and honor to vote. Do not let the media lull you into thinking that you have to vote for a shallow masquerading politician.

For more information go to .

Friday, February 15, 2008

Why Not Austrian Economics?

Since the 1930’s governments around the world have been applying Keynesian economic doctrines. What we get in return for this fallacious theory is a runaway government, saturated with fiat currencies that are close to being worthless and we get politicians who promise welfarism and warfarism. Not only is Keynesian economics a bankrupt ideology but it bankrupts the nations whose governments practice it.

Monetarism is another fallacious economic theory that has been tried several times and has failed miserably each time. It was the ‘monetarism’ in the 1920’s that focused on the price level and used the money supply to keep the price level ‘stable’ all the way into the Great Depression! Those idiotic economists could not even see what was on their doorstep while they were out there trumpeting that the economy was never again going to contract because prices were stable. Again in the seventies during the Reagan recession the Monetarists were in control of policy but lost all credibility since they could not fix the economy using their prescribed and calculated monetary adjustments.

All that modern societies, under the aegis of government control of the economy, have seen are multiple variations of Keynesianism and Monetarism with the same results - booms and busts, recessions, and the wiping out of the middle-class. Not only are these economic ‘theories’ invalid scientifically but in all instances where they were applied they failed.

The alternative is Austrian economics which actually predates Keynesianism and Monetarism. In addition it withstands scientific scrutiny since it is a deductive approach. It passes the test of logic.

OK, then why not give it a try in the political realm?

The answer is clear. The power elite cannot remain in control because there is no justification for interventionism in Austrian economics. This is the reason why the word ‘revolution’ is being used by Ron Paul who is a classical liberal scholar, an Austrian economist, a statesman, and a Constitutionalist. The power elite will not voluntarily apply Austrian economic theory which means that humankind will continue to suffer from the consequences of the quackery of Keynesianism and Monetarism unless there is a revolution. The revolution has as its goal to get rid of the ego-driven interventionists and to let the economy serve the needs of all of us.

Why not Austrian economics? Because there is still enough economic illiteracy in the world for the power elite to bamboozle the masses. This may be changing which is why there is hope. In fact the message of liberty and the message of freedom from ego-driven intervention into the economy is being heard around the world and all the governments practicing their Keynesian (fallacious) economics will find themselves exposed for what they are: theft rings of the power elite.

Why not Austrian economics? There is no reason why not.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

No Doubting Texas Patriotism - Hear the Cheers!

Different regions have certain characteristics and I think it is safe to say that Texas is known to be strong-willed and patriotic. So the false claims by the overlords in Washington, D.C. that it is unpatriotic to oppose the war in Iraq are obviously propaganda efforts.

When Ron Paul speaks to the Texans in his district, who know the Constitution better than any other district in the country, and he speaks about the illegality and immorality of the war in Iraq and the associated, serious economic consequences to our great nation the crowd of all ages cheers about his honesty and courage and leadership.

Healthy patriotism is defending the Constitution against the enemies foreign and domestic. Our status quo foreign policy is being forced upon us by the ‘domestic’ enemies. Listen to Ron Paul speak to those down home folks that know him best.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Huckabee Plagiarizes Conservative Stance from Ron Paul.

Like all politicians Mike Huckabee modifies his stance to serve his ambitions. He was encouraged to run for President by the power elite to appear to offer a conservative alternative to Ron Paul. His ego made it easy for him to feel like he really had something to say.

But his nature did not change. He is a typical politician and morphs to serve his own advantage. He knew that his overlords were censoring everything Ron Paul was saying so he could then plagiarize the message of Ron Paul and the media would present it as his message, as if it represented his core beliefs. ‘His core beliefs’ is an oxymoron because those change with the wind.

Huckabee uses these themes extracted from the true conservative, Ron Paul, to make himself seem knowledgeable and principled. But these are not his ideas and he does not have the knowledge of classical liberalism that made these principles evident to Ron Paul. He fraudulently speaks about conservative issues like getting rid of the IRS but he doesn’t know the principle behind the issue. He doesn’t know why the IRS is an abomination, he does not understand free market economics and he does not truly desire a Constitutional government.

The status quo of ‘lying politicians’ is all we can expect from Huckabee, McCain, Clinton and Obama. In contrast, Ron Paul is an honorable statesman and a scholar of classical liberalism.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

John McCain Encourages the Terrorists to Target America.

The irony and error of the proposed McCain foreign policy is the false sense of security that comes from sending more troops and fortifying our bases and embassies in the countries that we are occupying, like Iraq. This means that those with hostile intentions towards us (because we have invaded their country or their holy ground) will have to go where there is less resistance and less fortification.

They will come here to America to do their bidding!What an asinine foreign policy!

We spread ourselves too thin so that we are more vulnerable at home and then we go around the world and agitate extremists!

‘Agitate’ you say! And McCain sings “Bomb, bomb, bomb - bomb, bomb Iran!”

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

McCain Sells Death and Destruction to Save His Reputation.

Why is Senator John McCain the primary obstacle to declassifying the information about the prisoners of war and the missing in action during the Vietnam War? What is he hiding?

It is his disgraceful conduct that would completely destroy his candidacy, that is what he is trying to keep out of the public's eye. No one would vote for him if they realized that he collaborated with the 'enemy' to save his own neck.

He has entered into an agreement with his overlords where he will do their bidding of warmongering in return for their concealing his dishonor.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Righteous? Stand up for Ron Paul.

Is it wrong for the corporate media to censor a statesman who expresses ideas about liberty and prosperity and yet never fail to fill their broadcast hours with what can be labeled as trash, what would have been categorized as pornographic fifteen years ago? This is the type of ethics demonstrated by the corporate media. A righteous person would take a stance and send a message. Stand up for Ron Paul, as a supporter or simply as a righteous person.

Who can sleep at night knowing that our government is involved with violence of an unbelievable scale, all to satisfy a small group of imperialistic neoconservatives who have hijacked our government and forced the American system of government, through secretive deal-making, to disregard its own Constitution? A righteous person would quickly discern who is lying and conniving. A vote for Ron Paul is a righteous vote.

When have you written a check to pay for something knowing full well that there are no funds available? This is nothing but fraud and stealing. But yet we are supposed to sit back and tolerate the counterfeiting that is done at a unfathomable magnitude by our government and done with the stamp of approval that implies that all Americans are like this. Where are the righteous ones who will stand up and call the lying politicians ‘liars’ and call the media collaborators ‘pathetic collaborators’ and call the administrators ‘thieves and counterfeiters and frauds?”

There are many reasons for the righteous to arise. One of the very best ways to show that you are one of the righteous ones is to vote for the humble and truthful statesman, Ron Paul.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ron Paul Doesn't Have To Study or Memorize Before Any Debate.

Ron Paul is a scholar in the classical liberalism tradition. Which also means that he thoroughly understands the economy, and it means that he understands human rights. This knowledge and this foundation of principles is incorporated as wisdom and it is spoken as truth.

Truth is very powerful and it is especially outstanding when it is contrasted with the slithering deceitfulness of politicians, most notably seen in a debate format. That is why all the other candidates fear Ron Paul. Whereas he looks forward to the debates or any forum where he can speak about the philosophical ideals of classical liberalism the other candidates are anxiously 'cramming' with their aids to make sure that they don't say anything that contradicts themselves.

The deceit does not end in the words of the politicians but it also penetrates into the media-run debate program. The media cartel does not know exactly who their overlords want to be President but they get certain signals. If the candidate is a warmonger then the chances are good that the overlords will be pleased. If the candidate proposes things that make the citizens more dependent on the welfare/warfare State the media knows that their overlords will reward them by giving them a talk show if they can convince the citizens to vote for that puppet!

Contrast these stances with the only statesman ever to challenge the un-Constitutional usurpation by these neoconservative fascists who use the media as their pawns. Ron Paul goes before the public and tells the truth and exposes the lies and the violations of the Constitution. Quickly the media felt the potential wrath of their overlords, and so swiftly the media cartel began to try to counteract the truth.

Predictably they will lie about Ron Paul. They will censor Ron Paul. They will lie about the Ron Paul supporters. They will manipulate the debate formats and the debate questions.

Ron Paul doesn't need to study and he cannot be tricked into inconsistencies. Truth penetrates all their schemes and exposes all of their frauds.

Media and overlords, your only hope was to exclude Ron Paul from the debates like you did in New Hampshire, but even then your schemes were exposed as fraudulent. In your mind-control world, it is a pity that your work was not yet completed because the truth is about to set us all free!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ron Paul Will Stop the Stealing From Your Children and Their Children!

“I have a good idea!” Let’s steal money from our children and their children and take the money and spend it on whatever we want to try to make the economy look rosy!

This is how naïve the American citizenry is about the lies and schemes of the politicians: Everyone is excited about this ‘bribe’ that all of the politicians endorse.

Tax cuts, and all types of tax relief are good since everyone should have the right to spend the money that they make, in whatever manner they choose, but if there is not a spending cut of at least the equivalent amount then we are simply piling debt on our children and the generations to come.

One good thing comes from this absurdity: if there is any candidate that is critical of this fiscally irresponsible decision then that candidate is a statesman, not a politician. It is good to have the absurdity of ‘politics as usual’ only because the sleazy politicians stand out like a sore thumb compared to the statesman.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Myopic Belligerence of the Demagogues! Saved by Ron Paul!

When I hear the politicians spouting out their platitudes to try to win votes I cringe at their idiocy. They act like they are addressing a small group of 'good ole boys' at some coffee shop in the district where their sleazy political careers began.

On the one hand they talk about the United States as 'the greatest nation in the world' and yet they are too stupid to realize that people all over the world are listening to what they say because the United States is the greatest nation in the world!!! When they insult other people and nations by acting like the United States has the right to invade and occupy other nations they expose their petty-mindedness.

And when they try (using their political patriotic blah-blah) to justify imposing some arbitrary system of government to be covertly run by U.S. neoconservatives these politicians make it clear who they represent and why they smell so foul. It is no wonder why most people look at voting as a duty begrudging acted upon, if at all.

This time it is different because a statesman is running for President. Ron Paul speaks about liberty and liberty has no boundaries. Everyone in the world benefits from the peace and prosperity that comes from liberty. When Ron Paul says that we should trade with everyone and talk with them and stop treating other nations as pawns, everyone in the world hears this.

Instead of the anger and disgust that all of the other candidates generate worldwide, Ron Paul stirs feelings of hope and confidence that the problems can be solved. One major problem that will be solved by a humble foreign policy is a strong national defence. Another is the prosperity of peaceful trade without the devious trade agreements created by the ego-driven interventionists.

If only the U.S. media could free themselves from the clutches of their overlords then they may be able to spread the news. It is ironic that Russian TV has proven a more objective news source than ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, or FOX.

Friday, January 11, 2008

U.S. Comptroller General Speaks Neutrally About Bankruptcy.

David Walker is the U.S. Comptroller General and he has served since the Reagan years under various administrations and he looks at the numbers. If nothing else a non-partisan accountant can tell if there is a financial crisis or not.

After being introduced by Glen Beck of CNN you can hear about the financial status of the United States of America.

With this information now a part of your knowledge base you will be able to see through all the smoke and mirrors of the politicians. How despicable and/or ignorant are these demogogues, Republican and Democrat!

There is only one statesman running for President and that is Ron Paul.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Script Reading Blah-Blah or Heart-to-Heart Intelligent Persuasion.

When the media announced its winner of the New Hampshire Republican Primary John McCain came to the podium and, I declare, made it clear and evident that he says what he is told to say. You can't even find the video of his speech on the internet because it is so blatantly puppetlike. Here is the script (which he read on behalf of his interventionist lords):

In vivid contrast we have the readily available videos of the talk given by Ron Paul after the New Hamshire Primary:

I wish you could watch the video of McCain (conveniently unavailable) and compare the content and the intent of each of these two candidates for President. The difference is night and day. McCain's message is shrouded in darkness with his platitudes serving as his stars and his war-mongering as his moon.

Ron Paul's message is not only like the day but it is like the dawn of a new day. It is time for everyone to wake up!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Iranian Speedboats Terrify the Neoconservatives!

When I saw the footage showing the displeasure shown by the Iranians with the presence of the U.S. Navy near their national border I couldn't believe my eyes.

Who is the aggressor here, the tiny speedboats thousands of miles from the United States or the most powerful navy in the world parked just offshore of Iranian soil?

How can the American people allow the cowardly and unjust demogogues in America to speak on our behalf. Throw the bums out.

To do it you will have to validate each and every ballot because they have their blood-stained hands in every nook and cranny of the election process. Demand a verifiable auditing process.

It is so ironic that we are unable to hold an uncorrupted democratic election and yet the neoconservative demogogues claim that it is the duty of the United States to give democracy to the world. Worldwide hegemony to the political ruling party (composed of Democrats and Republican) is their motivation.

America does have a role to play. That role is to expose the lies and designs of the ego-driven interventionists, the neoconservatives composed of Democrats and Republicans.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Materialism is part of the blindness.

When I observe how people make their decisions about politicians it is apparent that they decide by thinking in a materialistic mode. This explains the shallowness of perception.

Materialism destroys individuals and it can destroy a civilization.

Sadly, it may be from the ashes that a better civilization will arise.