Thursday, January 29, 2009

Paulson Has A New Role - Bashing Others.

We were all wondering what role Paulson would play now that he has transitioned the seat of Treasury Secretary to one his underlings. It was unprecedented that a member of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup would be put in such an exposed position in the first place but things were out of control and required forceful adjustments to keep the veils that concealed the unConstitutional coup from falling away.

After strengthening the unconstitutional powers of the Fed and the Treasury and to give the appearance of a 'change' it was time for Paulson to return to the inner circle clandestinely. But he still has the role of being the most active, the most exposed, and the most 'prominent' member.

There are pluses and negatives to being 'out there.' One plus is that the unConstitutional coup can continue to try to add a voice of authority to its propaganda. The big negative that will ultimately expose the underbelly of the beast is that Paulson is one of the members of the inner circle and that he knows who the other members are.

Will he be able to fend off the inquiries? Will he be able to hide from the accusations? Will the intrigue thicken? Will he be eliminated by the unConstitutional coup itself to protect their dirty little secrets?

The people victimized by the economic terrorism of the unConstitutional coup will soon want to ask Mr. Paulson some poignant questions.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Where Is America Right Now?

At first Ron Paul had them on the edge of their seats then the assignment given to them by the agents of the unConstitutional coup sparked in their minds (to make him appear idealistic).
Nevertheless, not a word of Ron Paul was misspoken and the truth of noninterventionist economics shone forth. As the twists came from the ambitious journalists Ron Paul straightened them!

To the American minds that have been turned into proto-neocons by the militaristic propaganda of the unConstitutional coup, Ron Paul made clear the reality of where America is right now!

Osama Bin Laden is doing to the United States what he did to the Soviet Union. America is going bankrupt by trying to build and maintain an empire.

When the dollar crashes there will be no victory declarations by the neocons or the military industrial complex!

Will Americans reject the propaganda of the unConstituional coup before it is too late? Will the glimmerings of free press be enough to re-educate the people, enough so that they can identify the unConstitutional coup as the economic terrorists who are moving America towards a bottomless chasm.

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Friday, January 23, 2009

Who Is Representing The Poor?

"What do we have against the poor? Let the prices of houses come down so they can buy them!"

So if Ron Paul is speaking on behalf of the poor who are all of the other politicians standing up for? The answer has two components:
1.) the fascists who are using the political system to try to enrich themselves, and
2.) the socialists who want the political system to pay them for being unproductive (these aren't the poor, they only have a poor work ethic).

And these fascist/socialist policies are the ones promulgated by the unConstitutional coup to try to gain and hold onto power in a democratic system of government.

Instead, let's return to a Constitutional Republic by ousting the unConstitutional coup and by discarding democracy (which is an elitist form of socialism).

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Another Constitutional Blunder!

So which is it?

1.) ". . . execute the office of president to the United States"


2.) ". . . preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

The unConstitutional coup wants the office of the President of the United States to exist only in name, as a screen to hide behind. That is not compatible with preserving and protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States.

To preserve, protect and defend the Constitution the President needs to restore States rights. Otherwise "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" is just political rhetoric.

Soon we will all see which of these two statements was true under oath! (No matter how many times it is done!)

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Will The Economy Get Worse, As Predicted?

What is the nature of a politician?

To shift the blame elsewhere and to enrich the political class that he (she) belongs to!

As the economy deteriorates Obama can now make himself look blameless. Afterall, he said it was going to happen.

These socialist and fascist policies by the agents of the unConstitutional coup will redistribute wealth to those constituents who actually strengthening its political base - a typical political move. Since the President and Congress are sheltered under the umbrella of the unConstitutional coup it is outside the realm of possibility for them to imagine that these political moves will fuel the fire of an ideological revolution.

Our efforts to educate people about America's classical liberalism heritage and about the virtues of a sound money will be increasingly well received. Connect people to Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, Campaign For Liberty, Mises Institute, and Lew

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Friday, January 9, 2009

Krugman and Bernanke Are At Odds!

The ego-driven interventionists are in conflict! Which also means that the ego-driven interpreters are at odds. It is easy to describe the mindset of these pseudo-intellectuals - confusion! And that is the state of affairs - confusion!

In the grips of their egos these low lifes will stab each other in the back and try to claw themselves out of the pits to hell that they are creating!

What is the saying? "It's like shooting fish in a barrel!" If classical liberalism is given any ink or any airwaves the perverse economic charlatans will run home crying to their Mama.

But much to their chagrin their Mama will have to flee too because the present-day heros of liberty are making known to the world the names of the members of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup. One by one these economic terrorists will run away from the justice-seeking people around the world who want restitution.

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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Gaza Turmoil Is Like A Grenade!

The situation in Israel, in the Gaza, is like a grenade.

The explosives inside the grenade are the racial and religious and political prejudices. The shrapnel encasing these explosives is the false wealth that comes from the dollar as the world reserve currency. The pin is the imperialism of the unConstitutional coup in the U.S. with its ambitions of worldwide monetary hegemony.

Who is the terrorist that pulls the pin?

The ego-driven interventionist relying on ego-driven interpretation who serves the interests of the unConstitutional coup! That describes any of a number of criminals - the warmongers directing the imperialistic expansion of militarism, the puppet leaders (Presidents and/or Prime Ministers) who are indebted to the unConstitutional coup, the members of parlimentary bodies with personal political ambitions, etc.

Peace without interventionism, without fiat currencies, without the ego-driven politicians, is the standard to use to critique what is going on in the world. In other words, classical liberalism is the standard.

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Peacefulness As A New Year's Resolution!

Lowering one's time preference is a peaceful act and it does influence the time preference of society as a whole!

Another great way to lower time preference is to think and act peacefully (and a lower time preference is an indicator of a peaceful way of life). The most glaring evidence of this is the high time preference in the world right now because of all of the war-mongering.

I have found that one of the great contributors to peaceful thinking and therefore to a lower time preference is confidence that the equilibrium forces of the economy will inevitably purge the market (via the means of human action) of the corruption of all human intervention in the economy. I am certain that a classical liberalism civilization will eventually reign, composed of a culturally rich array of classical liberalism societies.

This is not some pie in the sky dream. It is a scientific truth, an outcome of the reality that finite humans cannot fathom the infinite intricacies of the market. When left alone - known as laissez-faire - the outcome is universal, peaceful cooperation and prosperity.

There is no moral authority for interventionism. In fact, intervention is an injustice. As the people in the world grasp this the interventionists will be seen in the proper light - as criminals - and shunned.

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