Friday, February 15, 2008

Why Not Austrian Economics?

Since the 1930’s governments around the world have been applying Keynesian economic doctrines. What we get in return for this fallacious theory is a runaway government, saturated with fiat currencies that are close to being worthless and we get politicians who promise welfarism and warfarism. Not only is Keynesian economics a bankrupt ideology but it bankrupts the nations whose governments practice it.

Monetarism is another fallacious economic theory that has been tried several times and has failed miserably each time. It was the ‘monetarism’ in the 1920’s that focused on the price level and used the money supply to keep the price level ‘stable’ all the way into the Great Depression! Those idiotic economists could not even see what was on their doorstep while they were out there trumpeting that the economy was never again going to contract because prices were stable. Again in the seventies during the Reagan recession the Monetarists were in control of policy but lost all credibility since they could not fix the economy using their prescribed and calculated monetary adjustments.

All that modern societies, under the aegis of government control of the economy, have seen are multiple variations of Keynesianism and Monetarism with the same results - booms and busts, recessions, and the wiping out of the middle-class. Not only are these economic ‘theories’ invalid scientifically but in all instances where they were applied they failed.

The alternative is Austrian economics which actually predates Keynesianism and Monetarism. In addition it withstands scientific scrutiny since it is a deductive approach. It passes the test of logic.

OK, then why not give it a try in the political realm?

The answer is clear. The power elite cannot remain in control because there is no justification for interventionism in Austrian economics. This is the reason why the word ‘revolution’ is being used by Ron Paul who is a classical liberal scholar, an Austrian economist, a statesman, and a Constitutionalist. The power elite will not voluntarily apply Austrian economic theory which means that humankind will continue to suffer from the consequences of the quackery of Keynesianism and Monetarism unless there is a revolution. The revolution has as its goal to get rid of the ego-driven interventionists and to let the economy serve the needs of all of us.

Why not Austrian economics? Because there is still enough economic illiteracy in the world for the power elite to bamboozle the masses. This may be changing which is why there is hope. In fact the message of liberty and the message of freedom from ego-driven intervention into the economy is being heard around the world and all the governments practicing their Keynesian (fallacious) economics will find themselves exposed for what they are: theft rings of the power elite.

Why not Austrian economics? There is no reason why not.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

No Doubting Texas Patriotism - Hear the Cheers!

Different regions have certain characteristics and I think it is safe to say that Texas is known to be strong-willed and patriotic. So the false claims by the overlords in Washington, D.C. that it is unpatriotic to oppose the war in Iraq are obviously propaganda efforts.

When Ron Paul speaks to the Texans in his district, who know the Constitution better than any other district in the country, and he speaks about the illegality and immorality of the war in Iraq and the associated, serious economic consequences to our great nation the crowd of all ages cheers about his honesty and courage and leadership.

Healthy patriotism is defending the Constitution against the enemies foreign and domestic. Our status quo foreign policy is being forced upon us by the ‘domestic’ enemies. Listen to Ron Paul speak to those down home folks that know him best.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Huckabee Plagiarizes Conservative Stance from Ron Paul.

Like all politicians Mike Huckabee modifies his stance to serve his ambitions. He was encouraged to run for President by the power elite to appear to offer a conservative alternative to Ron Paul. His ego made it easy for him to feel like he really had something to say.

But his nature did not change. He is a typical politician and morphs to serve his own advantage. He knew that his overlords were censoring everything Ron Paul was saying so he could then plagiarize the message of Ron Paul and the media would present it as his message, as if it represented his core beliefs. ‘His core beliefs’ is an oxymoron because those change with the wind.

Huckabee uses these themes extracted from the true conservative, Ron Paul, to make himself seem knowledgeable and principled. But these are not his ideas and he does not have the knowledge of classical liberalism that made these principles evident to Ron Paul. He fraudulently speaks about conservative issues like getting rid of the IRS but he doesn’t know the principle behind the issue. He doesn’t know why the IRS is an abomination, he does not understand free market economics and he does not truly desire a Constitutional government.

The status quo of ‘lying politicians’ is all we can expect from Huckabee, McCain, Clinton and Obama. In contrast, Ron Paul is an honorable statesman and a scholar of classical liberalism.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

John McCain Encourages the Terrorists to Target America.

The irony and error of the proposed McCain foreign policy is the false sense of security that comes from sending more troops and fortifying our bases and embassies in the countries that we are occupying, like Iraq. This means that those with hostile intentions towards us (because we have invaded their country or their holy ground) will have to go where there is less resistance and less fortification.

They will come here to America to do their bidding!What an asinine foreign policy!

We spread ourselves too thin so that we are more vulnerable at home and then we go around the world and agitate extremists!

‘Agitate’ you say! And McCain sings “Bomb, bomb, bomb - bomb, bomb Iran!”

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

McCain Sells Death and Destruction to Save His Reputation.

Why is Senator John McCain the primary obstacle to declassifying the information about the prisoners of war and the missing in action during the Vietnam War? What is he hiding?

It is his disgraceful conduct that would completely destroy his candidacy, that is what he is trying to keep out of the public's eye. No one would vote for him if they realized that he collaborated with the 'enemy' to save his own neck.

He has entered into an agreement with his overlords where he will do their bidding of warmongering in return for their concealing his dishonor.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Righteous? Stand up for Ron Paul.

Is it wrong for the corporate media to censor a statesman who expresses ideas about liberty and prosperity and yet never fail to fill their broadcast hours with what can be labeled as trash, what would have been categorized as pornographic fifteen years ago? This is the type of ethics demonstrated by the corporate media. A righteous person would take a stance and send a message. Stand up for Ron Paul, as a supporter or simply as a righteous person.

Who can sleep at night knowing that our government is involved with violence of an unbelievable scale, all to satisfy a small group of imperialistic neoconservatives who have hijacked our government and forced the American system of government, through secretive deal-making, to disregard its own Constitution? A righteous person would quickly discern who is lying and conniving. A vote for Ron Paul is a righteous vote.

When have you written a check to pay for something knowing full well that there are no funds available? This is nothing but fraud and stealing. But yet we are supposed to sit back and tolerate the counterfeiting that is done at a unfathomable magnitude by our government and done with the stamp of approval that implies that all Americans are like this. Where are the righteous ones who will stand up and call the lying politicians ‘liars’ and call the media collaborators ‘pathetic collaborators’ and call the administrators ‘thieves and counterfeiters and frauds?”

There are many reasons for the righteous to arise. One of the very best ways to show that you are one of the righteous ones is to vote for the humble and truthful statesman, Ron Paul.