Non-partisan analysis helps to penetrate the propaganda of politicians.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Missourians! Flex Your Missouri States Rights!
Where is the ‘show me’ spirit of the Missourians? In Missouri of all places all the vice presidential candidates from all of the parties should be showing what they have to offer.
Now it is more obvious than ever before that the two-headed, one-party system - variously called Democrat or Republican - is really more of the same. The immoral support of the bailout is common to both of these pawns of the unConstitutional coup but the ‘third party’ candidates would be able to show something different to everyone (as an appropriate tribute to the ‘Show Me’ spirit in Missouri).
Response? Show Me!
The only way that that will happen is if the people of Missouri demand it. How can Missourians tolerate the imposition of the opposite of “Show Me” by the unConstitutional coup? Where is the spirit of secession that will protect Missouri from this assault and insult?
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Bailout Bullying Will Fail!
It (the economic whirlpool) came upon them too fast and furious because they really are clueless. They really do not realize the overwhelming power and sweeping force of the market!
As a last resort they fell back on their unConstitutional practices of circumventing Congress and the people, thinking that their propaganda and their media control and the generational indoctrination would hold back any opposition to their vulgar scheme.
Enter Ron Paul and the revolution! He made it obviously ridiculous and politically impossible to 'Bomb, bomb, bomb; Bomb bomb Iran!'
The CIA-trained Georgian troops directed by a puppet of the U.S. Empire to secure an oil pipeline and start a new Cold War did not escape those alert to the wicked deeds of the interventionists. And our hero Ron Paul spoke about it on a national platform.
Pop! The bubble burst and all the hot air of malinvestment and overconsumption whooshed out while the dumbfounded Keynesians conjured up their plan of theft and deceipt.
Again Ron Paul and his army of classical liberalism champions rebuffed the blatant mugging by the power elite. The voice of the people is rising and soon even the deaf, dumb (I am not talking about muteness), and blind Congress will feel its vibrations. Ultimately they will do what they are supposed to do or lose in the next election! The Campaign For Liberty is exercising its muscles and those muscles are significant.
Will the untrustworthy ones be able to convince anyone? Bullying will be their only option but let me remind the unConstitutional coup that the muscles of the Campaign For Liberty are significant!
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
How To Test The Politician’s Claim Of Change.
We can use Keynesian economics as the key to our analysis. If any politician makes the claim that he (she) stands for change then our test is to see if they recommend practicing Keynesian economics or not. If they use fancy rhetoric and creatively play with words to emphasize their claim of ‘change’ but in reality they espouse Keynesianism then they are a candidate of status quo not change.
The quick test is the ’change’ away from a central bank and a fiat currency. These are fraudulent institutions inherent in Keynesianism. So how can a claim of change be anything other than lies from a politician since status quo is their real objective?
If the candidate cannot even pass the quick test it is certain that all of the other stances will be Keynesian also, just like all the rest of the ego-driven interventionists that have been in positions of influence for generations. These false claims of change mean that these candidates will just perpetuate the immorality of the unConstitutional coup.
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"No Recession" Said The Buffoon!
"The data does not show that we are in a recession'" said the buffoon. "Send it to the media outlets," said the reporter (hoping to be noticed by the overlords for dutifully reporting a half-truth).
It was half true! The data (of the fallacious empirical economists) actually did not show the recession! Guess whose numbers were being looked at!
So why aren't the idiots (Bernanke and Paulson, for example) ridiculed? Why aren't the liars (Bernanke and Paulson, for example) held accountable?
Congress has the shortest memory of all since it sits before these 'experts' and, by all indications, regards them as experts. Buffoons, all of them (except the lone statesman, Ron Paul).
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Saturday, September 20, 2008
Will We Ever Get Rid Of Politicians?
In contrast, a statesman understands the moral depravity and the economic distruction of interventionism. Service and education are the hallmarks of a statesman, not ambition.
Are these politicians pathological? It is possible but mostly they are ignorant and enabled through access to power by a flawed political system.
In the classical liberalism civilization in the future there will no longer exist this blight on humanity, which nowadays is identified by the label ‘politician.’
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Stop The Promiscuity Of The Federal Reserve!
Like father, like son. Like mother, like daughter!
The fractional reserve system, which is unethical by definition of property rights, is a pyramid scheme. So why should there be any surprise that these offsprings of the central bank of the glutinous unConstitutional coup are anything other than a ‘chip off the ole block.’
First we have to neuter the unConstitutional coup by stopping its promiscuity. These secondary effects, like Washington Mutual’s junk credit rating, are like the veneral diseases spread and propagated by the greedy underlings.
Once neutered by the scapel of ‘End The FED’ the inverted pyramid will crash and from the dust a phoenix will rise. Be the feathers on that glorious bird by studying classical liberalism and Austrian economics.
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Saturday, September 6, 2008
A Constitutional Vice President!
“The Vice President has the Constitutional duty to preside over the Senate as its president!” Wow! Now that would be a very significant position for someone who insisted that the Constitution be obeyed!
I am hoping that Ron Paul will announce next week in Washington at the National Press Club that he will be the vice presidential candidate for Bob Barr with the wholehearted support of the Constitutional Party.
This new and broad-based coalition would be impossible to exclude from the debates ahead and if the outcome does happen to be a victory then Ron Paul would be the greatest vice president and the greatest president of the Senate ever.
Not to mention his other role as the principal consultant to the President in restoring the Constitutional Republic.
Unity in liberty will easily defeat the bickering interventionists.
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