Friday, June 26, 2009

The Cap And Trade Pathway To Totalitarianism!

I am trying to figure out how the unConstitutional coup benefits from this. It could just be economic blindness combined with the political correctness of environmental pseudoscience, or it could just be political corruption with the 85% tax looting going to the special interests ( I am sure the coup members are in line with their cups.) but I think there is something else going on too.

It is a grand entry into nationalization of the energy industry! That's it!

Everyone depends on energy and so control of energy makes everyone subservient and obedient to the totalitarian regime.

Cap and Trade or Cap and Tax is a political weather balloon testing how far and how fast the unConstitutional coup can go. Is Congress still in a stupor from the exponential bribery administered using addictive Keynesianism, the drug politicians cannot resist? If so the unConstitutional coup will proceed quickly!

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What Is The Modern Day Plague?

So what we see is: even if the bozos trying to gain control over the internet are not deliberately serving the unConstitutional coup to silence voices of dissent but are really detecting the use of the internet to disseminate terrorism as mentioned in the article in Democracy by Andrew Exum they are still just trying to stop a problem that they themselves created.

When will the ego-driven realize that they create the problems and all of their efforts to solve these same problems later just creates more problems? The cumulative vulgarity of all ego-driven intervention is sickening, it is a modern day plague.

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Carefulness Or Carelessness: Stance On Iran?

This dilemma is behind the 'restraint' of comments about the Iranian situation from the White House.

Outwardly they want to be perceived as caring about the Iranians but inwardly they want a bogeyman to have in their back pocket in case the only way to divert attention away from the economic terrorism of the unConstitutional coup is to go to war against some 'fiend.' The swine flu has failed miserably as a diversion!

Will the unpredictability of world events cause the unConstitutional coup to use their puppet in the wrong way and tarnish the dwindling reputation of their spokesperson?

Stay tuned!

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Politicians Are The Source Of The Swine Flu!

There is a swine flu epidemic and the ego-driven interventionists and the ego-driven interpreters are the swine.

Stopping the epidemic requires stopping the infectious disease at its source. The empirical approach to economics is one of the principle causes and the fallacy of 'democracy' is another.

Anything that strikes at these virulent agents of the disease is part of the cure. Classical liberalism is good, Austrian economics is good, but I must say the divine economy theory is the most potent of all remedies!

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Why Wouldn't The Mafia-Like Government Oppose Prohibition?

The outcome is the creation of a black market with huge non-taxable income going to the kingpins, in this case the mix of corrupt politicians and their politically-connected buddies.

Along with this comes the power to extort which just expands the net over more and more until the whole thing is nothing more than an expanded mafia system.

Elections are bought and paid for. The crooks at the head of the crime ring (the unConstitutional coup in the United States) rig everything, while at first the masses think that elections are democratically determined. Later the masses just hope that they are left alone.

Sound familiar?

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Montel, Don't Be Gullible To The Political Rhetoric.

What else do politicians in the United States do besides throw out rhetoric in an attempt to get the economically illiterate masses to feel good, and then behind the cloak of the unConstitutional coup expand their power and influence by deals and schemes?

If there was freedom of speech and a free press the lies of the politicians would be out in the open and they would hear themselves scorned as liars and thieves and would be voted out of office as soon as possible.

'Repayment of TARP funds' and 'pay as you go' rhetoric is nothing but a dangling worm on a hook. Some will take it hook, line and sinker. Others will nibble (Montel be careful!) but beware because that hook will snag you and your fate will be in the hands of the holders of the knives.

The liars and thieves that are trying to bait you with their rhetoric will drown if the boat of counterfeit money is no longer functioning. That is exactly what will happen when HR 1207 passes.

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Monday, June 8, 2009

Daniel Hannan's Suess Reading Fits The U.S. Too!

But isn't the same 'regime' part and parcel of the unConstitutional coup in the U.S. that has morphed into some kind of international hegemony of the world's monetary system?

If so the Suess reading can be modified and directed just as appropriately towards Bernanke, Geithner, Obama, and the rest of the heirarchy of the political pawns of the unConstitutional coup in the U.S. with its international tentacles spread wide.

For more information go to my website.

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Thursday, June 4, 2009

What Happens When An Angel Speaks About Liberty?

" . . . and just take action."

Angel, you are living that motto in a way that brings to you well-deserved distinction. Your love of liberty is very inspiring.

Angel, stay in touch with Glen Beck and keep him informed about all the great changes that are taking place. He is receptive to the things that the Campaign For Liberty is doing and you have his respect.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Are The "Green" Automobiles Made In The U.S. Ethical?

With the peaceful civil disobedience of Martin Luther King, Jr. (and of Gandhi) directed at refusing to buy government-made (lemons) cars - then failure is unavoidable.

No one should be fooled by the 'green' push. This is simply a device for the government to use to try to mandate that people buy their stupidly manufactured 'bads' by continually tightening constraints so that only the excrement that spews out of their production (unproductive production) process is permitted.

How foolish are these ego-driven interventionists! They are oblivious of the omnipotence of the market!

Oh yeah, these car companies will fail all right! That is a certainty. When is the only unknown!

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