Monday, June 28, 2010

What Is The unConstitutional Coup?

Although stabs were made from the inception of the Constitution it was the scheming that took place in 1912 that launched the unConstitutional coup. It goes in cycles - the power grab, then a lull as things settle at that rung, then a new realization that another power grab is possible. We are currently witnessing such a power grab. The only way to stop this is to call it what it is - an unConstitutional coup - and to get enough people to recognize it for what it is. Bringing it out into the light will kill this beast of the shadows.

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Greenspan - The Ego-Driven Interpreter!

No longer able to be an ego-driven interventionist Greenspan has decided to play the role of an ego-driven interpreter. Of course that means trying to repair his image by excreting half-truths!

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"Road To Serfdom" And "Family of Secrets" Shed Light On The U.S. Dilemma.

I just listened to the podcast on where Lew interviewed Russ Baker, the author of "Family of Secrets," which among other revelations reports that just like in Russia where the dasturdly head of the KGB becomes the President, so too in America the CIA takes over the Presidency by the election of George H.W. Bush.

Of course read "Road To Serfdom" by Fredich Hayek but also read "Family of Secrets" by Russ Baker!
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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Good News For Followers Of Ron Paul!

Some people have expressed concern that Ron Paul is seventy years old. But what about the fact that he has a healthy lifestyle and that he is a brilliant scholar of classical liberalism?

And what about the fact that he, too, had a OBGYN practice most of his life? If Dr. W.G.Watson can still be practicing at 100 years old we can expect Ron Paul to be an important statesman for many, many years!

Some might say "Look how Presidents age in office!" They age because they are unethical perpetuators of the agenda of the unConstitutional coup. Their deterioration has to do with the poisoning of their soul that results from their ego-driven intervention!

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Congress Has Its Laundry Hung Up For All To See.

We all know that the Federal Reserve operates secretly and unscrupulously but it is not alone. There are secret decisions made all of the time which affect people all over the world but few are courageous enough to speak about any of these decisions openly.

It takes a courageous statesman like Ron Paul to stand up in the Congressional chamber and to remind the members of Congress of the mistakes made. Are the memebers of Congress too enslaved by special interests to learn from their mistakes?

At least Ron Paul is speaking out and there is a growing effort to broadcast to the American people the truth that he brings out into the open. The people may end up changing their representation come election time simply because the current members of Congress operate in secret and try to hide their crimes against humanity.

For more information go to my website.

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