Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Majority Of Senators Are Co-Sponsors To Audit The Federal Reserve!

Here are their names, the States they represent, and the date of their co-sponsorship:

Sen Barrasso, John [WY] - 7/15/2009
Sen Bennett, Robert F. [UT] - 7/15/2009
Sen Boxer, Barbara [CA] - 9/17/2009
Sen Brownback, Sam [KS] - 7/8/2009
Sen Burr, Richard [NC] - 7/9/2009
Sen Cardin, Benjamin L. [MD] - 7/28/2009
Sen Chambliss, Saxby [GA] - 7/8/2009
Sen Coburn, Tom [OK] - 7/20/2009
Sen Cochran, Thad [MS] - 10/1/2009
Sen Cornyn, John [TX] - 7/20/2009
Sen Crapo, Mike [ID] - 6/25/2009
Sen DeMint, Jim [SC] - 6/11/2009
Sen Dorgan, Byron L. [ND] - 9/9/2009
Sen Feingold, Russell D. [WI] - 7/15/2009
Sen Graham, Lindsey [SC] - 7/24/2009
Sen Grassley, Chuck [IA] - 8/3/2009
Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] - 7/20/2009
Sen Hatch, Orrin G. [UT] - 7/24/2009
Sen Hutchison, Kay Bailey [TX] - 7/20/2009
Sen Inhofe, James M. [OK] - 7/9/2009
Sen Isakson, Johnny [GA] - 7/8/2009
Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [VT] - 9/17/2009
Sen Lincoln, Blanche L. [AR] - 7/15/2009
Sen McCain, John [AZ] - 7/15/2009
Sen Murkowski, Lisa [AK] - 9/15/2009
Sen Risch, James E. [ID] - 8/3/2009
Sen Thune, John [SD] - 9/22/2009
Sen Vitter, David [LA] - 6/16/2009
Sen Webb, Jim [VA] - 8/3/2009
Sen Wicker, Roger F. [MS] - 10/1/2009

If your Senator is not on the list take it upon yourself to contact your Senator and find out which special interest is in control of your Senator.

For more information go to my website.

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