Monday, January 27, 2014

New York Times Fears The Dissolution Of Statist Thought.

It is a victory and a grand day when the New York Times feels its back against the wall and starts wildly flailing its propaganda arms in a desperate attempt to prevent unadulterated knowledge from reaching the public.

When an agency of State propaganda goes on the attack it is worth while to see its target. The Ludwig von Mises Institute is championing the philosophy of classical liberalism and Austrian economics and it is gaining great traction among young people and anyone who is thoughtfully searching for justice, economic truth, and liberty.

And so the New York Times goes into an attack mode:

Its fear is justified because the groundswell of educated and energized and activated people will cause the New York Times to be viewed as a divisive, manipulative source of propaganda designed to keep people uninformed and misinformed and oppressed.

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